We’re In Training

17 April 2010

We are in training for an 8 km breast cancer research fun run on Mother’s Day.  Neighbor Cynthia convinced us to sign up, and further convinced us to join her on a 7 km (4 mi) training run around Iron Cove today.  For those from the Seattle area, picture Greenlake only with more sun and less shade and you’ll have a good idea of what our route was like.  Running around the bay meant no short-cuts and from the power-walking warm-up, we could tell that Neighbor Cynthia meant business.  Under the 27C (81 F) skies we slogged our way around the sparkling bay, the other side taunting us with glimpses of her air conditioned car parked refreshingly in the shade.  Neighbor Cynthia may have missed her calling as a boot camp instructor.

To reward ourselves for a job well done, we went out tonight with Tamarama Susan to a movie and dinner.  Confusion reigned (on our part) at the ticket counter when the seller insisted that if the three of us wanted to sit together, we’d have to buy our tickets together and furthermore, where would we like to sit.  Huh?  There were seats available in the middle but only up front; same for the sides.  Huh?  They don’t seriously assign movie theater seats here do they?  Yes, Tamarama Susan clarified, they do.  No free-for-all when the doors open, no asking someone if that seat’s available or could you please move down one.  No hassle at all really, we’ll just tell you where you’re sitting as if every night is Les Miserables at the 5th Avenue Theater.  Oh, and that will be $51 please.

18 April 2010

Finally, our first day of rest, if you call doing chores rest.  At this point, that’s what I call it.  Any day without five City Walk cards spread out in front of me before my first cup of coffee is a day I consider to be a day of rest.

19 April 2010

Gina signed up for a ‘real’ boot camp and today was her first class at 6 am.  It was good for her to get up early with a purpose other than making tea and shuffling her cards.  Like any outgoing kid at the first day of camp, Gina made sure that she didn’t come home without at least one new friend – Queensland Jess.  Jess and Gina share one major thing in common – they are both currently unemployed.  Jackpot!  Imitating her new friend, who planted the suggestion in her head, Gina then spent the afternoon resting her tired muscles on the sands of Coogee Beach.  We are glad to see the girl enjoying the rewards of surviving 13 years at Qwest.

Gina also learned some new words at camp today.  They included “star jacks” (a.k.a., jumping jacks) and “puffed”, in that after all that running around, she didn’t looked puffed enough.  I’m guessing she probably didn’t looked very puffed at the beach, either.