Surf Is Up and So Are The Girls!

Yes, this is a story about girls surfing, but no, there are no bikinis involved. It is winter here, ya know. Sounds strange, I know, winter in June, but then again, sometimes June in Seattle feels like winter, so maybe it’s not so strange after all.

Gina took her first surfing lesson on Sunday.  I say first instead of “a” because she’ll likely take more, or at least the Winter Special package, which will have her boarding on three more occasions.  We are not sure if the same will be said for her surfer buddy Limpin’ Leigh (of Neutral Bay), who had a bit of a misstep near the end of Lesson #1 and is now in a cast for 6 to 8 weeks … but I’m getting ahead of myself.

It was a grand morning out on Bondi Beach.  A brief rain shower moved through when we headed to the beach, but it was quickly followed by sunny skies.   We were a newly formed pack of friends – Gina and I along with Sydney Simon and Limpin’ Leigh, the latter of whom Gina had met back at Allstar Fitness in Seattle.  Turned out she and her husband, an Aussie by birth, were moving to Sydney a month after us.  It was nice to meet one and all and as it was still a little too early in the morning for the start of the lesson, we decided it was a good time to celebrate our newfound friendship over a steaming cappuccino at the nearby North Bondi RSL club.  However, this was not to be, for even though it was 11 am, coffee service didn’t start until Noon.  Really?  At 11 am on a Sunday morning, we can order beers but no coffee?  These Aussie ways continue to befuddle us.

Eventually the girls were suited up and ready to ride their boards.  But first there were a few critical techniques to be taught, like how to keep your board from giving you a belly rash:

And how to look cool while catching a wave, even if it’s just a sand wave at this point:

Now fully skilled and able, they headed out to sea to catch the first of many waves.  Waves that bowled them over.  Waves that dunked them under.  Waves that rolled and rollicked and spun and splattered and, with the increasing afternoon wind speeds, waves that got bigger and bigger and closer and closer together.  The girls persevered, though, and despite the ravaging seas, were standing in no time.  Well, maybe not no time.  But in some time, and for a first lesson, that’s a great accomplishment.

Unfortunately, it was toward the end of this grand accomplishment that the curse of the Brady Bunch Tiki Idol befell Limpin’ Leigh.

Although her wipeout was not quite as spectacular as Greg’s, her surf lesson was done for the day.  Now Limpin’ Leigh can only couch surf and we are all saddened by that turn of events.  But Limpin’ Leigh, we know you’ll be back on both feet soon enough, and I promise, we’ll give you a new nickname when the plaster is gone.

Complete Bondi Surfing Photos Link


  1. The joys of being a voyeur into the adapting lives of seattle girls! – lesson number 1, sydney aint seattle, and australia aint america! – hence, you go to a cafe for a coffee, and you go to an RSL club for a counter meal & beer! Bondi has many barrista cafes with real expresso coffee, freshly roasted and ground beans infused with fresh steamed milk, the aroma of pastries wafting…

    Good on you both for braving the waves – will you become geriatric grommets at Bondi?

    lesson number 2 awaits – enjoying a footy match!

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