Becoming Australian

While watching an American movie the other night, the screen flashed an aerial view of a car driving on a two-lane road and we had the same reaction – OMG, that car’s driving on the wrong side of the road!  When really, the car was on the right side of the road in places that fly the Stars and Stripes (our only reference to the Fourth of July this year).

This driving thing could get really complicated when we move back to the States someday.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend some time and learn about this crazy, mixed-up world!
    Keep well & keep in touch.

  2. Wait till you visit some parts of Asia – they drive all over the road, and the white line down the middle is simply a mere suggestion of where the traffic might want to part…should if feel the need to, and the notion of single file is just that – a notion, and one that is ignored!

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