TransBallard: Day 17

02 June 2012

Lookout to Hindman KY 51 miles  (TransAm 640)

Gina does not generally like cats. She has made exceptions to this rule, but overall, she is not a fan of the feline. Her number one complaint about cats is that they are “sneaky.” This is followed by “they ruin the furniture.” The cats at tonight’s campground in Hindman, Kentucky are doing nothing to further their cause with Gina. First of all, there are far too many of them – at least 16 – which means it’s impossible to keep track of each of the sneaky little varmints. This has led to some unwelcome surprises, such as Wendy and Simon’s backpacks being peed on, and Wendy’s tent vestibule is apparently harder to resist than a toy mouse stuffed with catnip.

I think the rest of Gina’s story for today is best told through her photos.

Here, we have the church for weary cyclists:

Here, one of the many yard sales passed by:

Now, I don’t see no green grassy yard in that photo, just a lot of dirt and junk. But you know what they say about junk – maybe there’s a treasure in there somewhere. And, just for kicks, let’s count the number of trucks in this photo … 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Six pickups trucks.

Here’s a taste of southeastern Kentucky humor, if you can read the red sign in the center of the photo:

If you can’t, let me read it for you: it says “Bitch Blvd”.  I guess that’s where the lady of the house parks.

In this photo, we have a convertible ATV:

We also have flannel, a lit cigarette, and 1, 2, 3, 4 pickup trucks.

Here, we have the Bridge to the Future:

I half expected to see a prison on the other end.

And finally, camp … cats and all:

I don’t know what Gina’s fuss is all about, I only count three cats in this photo. I do think, though, that I’d go for one of the plastic covered chairs. There’s a reason behind that and I know of a couple of baptized backpacks that might have benefited from that knowledge.