TransBallard: Day 20

05 June 2012

Berea KY 0 miles  (TransAm 754)

Gina spent her layover day doing things she would rather have not had to do, although most had a silver lining. There was the washing of her duffel bag and tent and footprint and rainfly. Silver lining: now they no longer smell like cat pee. There was the taking of her bicycle to the local co-op for a cleaning and brake pad replacement, the former of which was done poorly and the latter of which was not done at all, since the kid didn’t know how to do it. Silver lining: she can feel good about donating $5 to the local economy. And there was the meeting with Ollie’s son and his family to share their stories about his father from the past few weeks. Silver lining: I don’t think there is one here. It’s a tragic situation and healing will take time.

In the meantime, I suppose it’s good to remind ourselves to enjoy every day. Be kind. Be compassionate. Smile more than you frown. Encourage more than you criticize. Do what gives you pleasure. Be an active participant, not just a passive observer. Set goals, reach them, and set some more. Be adventurous. Live in faith and courage, releasing doubt and fear. Dream and do. Not a silver lining but worth thinking about.


  1. Love reading every entry every day……ride with purpose.
    Im going to steal this wonderful paragraph and use some of it at Dads memorial.
    You are all an inspiration to me and many others….Dad is with you, right beside you.

  2. Thanks Gina/Dena, I’ve copied that inspirational paragraph and printed it out to keep on my desk. I hoping that so many people from all of the blogs, who didn’t even know Ollie, are praying for him that it will make a difference up in the universe. Good travels, Sheilah

  3. What a great reminder about enjoying ever part of our lives and not forgetting to slow down sometimes and do that. Thanks D&G!!

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