TransBallard: Day 25

10 June 2012

Utica to Marion KY 70 miles (TransAm 1,062)

Gina and Wendy are on a cheeseburger diet.  No, that’s not an oxymoron.  Unlike yesterday, today they split the one they ordered for lunch so technically, that puts them on a diet.  How so?  Because any time you cut something in half, it’s a diet.  For instance, “Let’s split the mac’n’cheese” equals diet.  “Give me one scoop instead of two” equals diet.  “Let’s make it half pepperoni and half Hawaiian” equals diet.  So the girls are on a cheeseburger diet.  Frankly, given that today they surpassed the 1,000 mile mark on their BICYCLES, I would think diet would be an unnecessary four-letter word, kinda like “work” and “jobs,” words long ago traded in by Gina for better four-letter words like “bike” and “ride.”

To keep this lifestyle going, Gina did try her hand at Kentucky Powerball.  Apparently the initial order of business this morning had been to stop at the first gas station on route to determine if she was the winner of the $122 million jackpot.  The fact that she is still pedaling without a personal bike mechanic, chef, or massage therapist means that she needs to buy another ticket.

She also could use a cup of coffee, or maybe make that two, as Wendy, after having a few herself, took off after lunch like a rocket leaving orbit, ticking off the afternoon’s miles without a hitch while Gina trailed behind, slowed by her cheeseburger diet and the extra burden of not having won the millions.  It’s okay Gina, you still have your Treat Budget and last I checked, Illinois plays Powerball too, to the current tune of $240 million.  So pick up that pace – the border’s just one day away and so too might be your chance to drop that other four-letter word “semi” from your most favorite word “retired.”  And if that should happen, I think you might owe me, your personal blogger, a Treat Budget of my own.

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