TransBallard: Day 35

20 June 2012

Houston to Marshfield MO 65 miles (TransAm 1,475)

What are the odds this lady is downloading the Quitter app?

Another day in Missouri, another cafe with indoor smoking.

But this photo does not depict the highlight of the day. There was much better indoor scenery to be had in Springfield, where, after a lovely day’s ride on quiet country roads, Nicole drove Gina and The Burritowagon to the A & B bike shop for a derailleur fix.

From the photos one could hope that there might actually be more cyclists in Springfield than smokers. That’s a heck of an inventory spread out on the floor and hanging from the ceiling. Like kids in a candy shop I bet our cyclists were. This appealing place is owned by a friend of Jake’s (Ollie’s son) and he did Gina right, replacing her derailleur and a few other bits at cost and without any labor charges. A big fat thank you from Gina, Jake, for making the connection. And from me, too, as we can’t have Gina’s Treat Budget taking too big of a hit at any one location. Particularly if there’s no sweets involved.

One Comment

  1. So Glad A & B took great care of you! Its a great shop huh?!
    These phots and this blog are so great! I quoted both of you girls last Friday night at Dad’s Memorial – it was an epic event, for an epic guy. Lots of tears to start the program, lots of smiles and laughter as they left the program……exactly how I wanted it.
    I watch your trip unfold with jealousy

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