TransBallard: Day 39

24 June 2012

Chanute to Eureka KS 63 miles (TransAm 1,718)

As noted in the Wagon Haiku two days ago, Gina crossed into Kansas, the fifth state on her ten state tour. If you drew a line straight west from where she’s currently located in this Sunflower State, it would appear as though she’s halfway through her journey. However, those crafty route planners at the Adventure Cycling Association (ACA) have the team making a right turn when they hit Canon City, Colorado, heading north/northwest toward the Mothership, a.k.a., the home office of ACA in Missoula, Montana.

This change in direction means Gina is not yet halfway home, in spite of geographical appearances, but that she also won’t be riding across the deserts of Utah and Nevada, which is probably a good thing, even though it doesn’t seem like that would be all that different from riding across Kansas today in 102 degree heat. It also means that with any luck, Gina will be bringing home some good swag (“stuff we all get”) from her Mothership visit, like going to a trade show only better because it has nothing to do with work. This is what we hope for when we are left at home: bang-up souvenirs.


  1. Here I am in Seattle and thought “hey illreqch out to the girls and maybe we can catch up”. Should have known you girls wouldn’t be here. Luckily I have a client in Yakima and will be traveling here often. Take care girls.

  2. That doesn’t look like the Toronto that I know! 🙂 Still loving the blog every day…I have to live vicariously through ya’ll – Thank you!!

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