TransBallard: Day 41

26 June 2012

Newton to Sterling KS 57 miles (TransAm 1,851)

I’ve been asked how it is that I’m blogging a trip I’m not on and the answer is that I get a lot of help from the person who IS on it. To put it in Kansas-rooted terms, as that seems a timely thing to do, consider me merely the Wizard behind the curtain. Sure, I might sometimes be pulling levers and twisting knobs to give the daily blog a little extra flash and flare, but Gina is the main source from which this TransBallard blog flows. She emails me her daily photos and summary and I take it from there, whether using direct quotes from her or adding stories or a few embellishments of my own. That’s how I blog a trip that I’m not on, which, now that I think further about it, is still really the bigger question at hand – why, again, am I not on it?

So for today’s blog, let’s just go straight to the source. Here is Gina’s summary of the day:

Another early morning start with sunrise. Something is wrong with this holiday as I’m seeing more sunrises than sunsets.

Not much to report. Today’s ride was way easier than yesterday, less mileage and a bit of a tailwind. Stopped in Buhler at the school for water and toilets. Next up, Nickerson service station. When I started this trip I turned my nose up at service stations because I wanted the super cute town / cafe like Europe, but now I love service stations, at least the ones that are worthy. They must have a clean bathroom, a place to sit, an ice/water dispenser, and a good selection of drinks for purchase. I’m now into the Starbucks mocha drink that comes in a glass bottle from the cooler section.

The last 10 miles into Sterling on 96/14 was a bit busy with large trucks. For the next two nights we are staying in the dorms. I love our room because there are lots of cubbies to get organized. Here at the college we have WiFi, laundry and a common area for watching movies and hanging out.

Side Note: We saw a farm of Zebras.

The only thing I have to add about today? In the Dorm Room photo, I would like to point out that the difference between Wendy’s desk and Gina’s desk is eerily similar to that between my Box and Gina’s Box. Glad to know I’m not alone.


  1. okay, i have to concede that zebras are probably more exciting than prarie chickens. loved the pic of the appaloosas. appaloosas have a unique personality and legend has it that indians rode them because the chiefs wanted their warriors to already be angry by the time they got to the battleground.

  2. i love vicariously taking this trip with you. i am going thru stuff in storage and ran across my journal from my walk through austria and germany. i am going to type is out if i can read my writing and i will give it to carol to share with you. not as good a writer as you are but parts of it are amusing.
    my friend, dru has a farm on the banks of the verdigris river and they took me to see the headwaters. just a fast stream there. she said it is too bad gina was not going from newton to emporia as she would have gone through the prarie chicken capitol of the world. i had my picture taken in front of the big prarie chicken sign. she said there are fires in western kansas. hope they will not be near gina’s route. happy trail. mary

  3. Yah, why again are you not on this trip? Oh yes, you wanted to stay cool and hydrated in all the Seattle rain. Now I get it. Or maybe it’s the happy hours with us. I’m sure that’s it. See you soon.

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