28 Sept 2013
Schwerin and Around
30 miles
I lost my shirt in Germany. And by lost my shirt I don’t mean lost all of my money. I mean I lost my actual shirt. It seems to have disappeared while in Rostock, apparently mixed in with our friendly hostesses laundry. I’m sure it wasn’t deliberate, although she was rather fit and there is a marathon coming up in town so if anyone sees an athletic woman on the cover of next year’s Rostock tourist brochure wearing a red Nike shirt and a smile, then I will have been proven a bad judge of character.
I suppose losing stuff is one way to lighten my panniers, but then again I did get a new pair of slippers while in Rostock, so maybe the disappearance of the red shirt is just the Universe’s way of restoring balance. But the best part really is that it wasn’t my shirt to begin with but rather a borrowed shirt of Gina’s. So technically, I didn’t lose a thing.
Anyway, today was spent cycle touring the countryside around Schwerin and gathering groceries for tomorrow. Sundays, with their closed doors, often bring about a mild degree of panic, primarily of the will-there-be-enough-food variety, so we hoard supplies as though heading out on an arctic expedition in 1873. I don’t know how the Universe is going to balance this one out but I sure hope it doesn’t involve losing something really important, like that extra pair of socks I stole from Gina’s pannier when she wasn’t looking.