Southern Tier: Day 4

12 March 2014
Boulevard to Brawley, California
75 miles (Total Miles = 154)

He’s telling us the story of how his mother and his wife were pregnant at the same time and all I can think is Good Lord, it’s time to get moving. Luckily, the “he” in this story isn’t anyone on our tour but instead a curious and over-sharing gentleman in the bitty town of Seely where we have stopped at the convenience store in search of ice and Gatorade. We’ve been pedaling for several hours and there are still 25 miles to go so there’s definitely no better time than now to get moving.

Behind us lies “The Fence”. I always thought it was a Wall, and in places I believe that it is, but what we rode past today near the border with Mexico was best characterized as an enormous fence. One must really not be all that welcoming to their neighbor to build a fence that high. Good thing we like our Ballard neighbor or Gina would be getting ideas and talking about how we should post them on Houzz.

In front of us lies Dogwood Road. It sounds all pretty – visions of white and pink flowers fluttering in the breeze – but in reality it behaved more like that mangy canine that lives behind the junkyard fence. Fast moving traffic, no shoulder, and we’re all a bit tuckered, adding up to a lot of bark and maybe a little bite. But ultimately we managed to wag that dog and end our day in a fantastically green grassy oasis of a city park, the perfect place to pitch our tent and rest our aching bones, amongst the many other tired body parts too numerous (and private) to name.

Wall 1

Wall 2

Plaster City

Gabe.Nicole Cooks

Camp in Brawley