Southern Tier: Day 12

20 March 2014
Safford, Arizona to Buckhorn, NM
80 miles (Total Miles = 583)

This is what I saw today:

Black Box

It’s the back of my eyelids, as the Norovirus is still partying and invited someone else along for the van ride – our ever-so-lucky David of recumbent fame. Nicole might need someone to ship her a Hazmat suit before this trip is over.

As for everyone else, today was an epic mileage day (80 miles) with an epic climb (passing 6,295 feet), ultimately ending in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico. Two states down, five more to go.

Gina rode most of the day on her own, which begs the question: if Gina is talking on her bicycle and there’s no one around to hear her, is she really making any sound?

So Arizona is behind us now. I can’t say that I got her full flavor, having missed out on about 200 miles of her highways and bi-ways. However, I also can’t say that I feel any need to be dropped back at the Apache Reservation Texaco to do that which has now been done by my Southern Tier mates. I’ll listen to their stories, view their pics, and consider myself lucky to have been along for their rides.






road to the top1

road to top2

the top

Welcome to NM1

New Mexico1

New Mexico2

Buckhorn RV Park

dinner in Buckhorn

Buckhorn Pizza


  1. Hi! Greetings from Texas! Yes, we are using and riding with Adventure Cycling. The support has been great! There are stretches of no services so having the van support is wonderful. Do you plan to go self-supported?

  2. I thought the last post was funny…..they just keep getting better. And I have the same question Simon does….whatup Gina?

  3. Fab pics, the roads and scenery look amazing. What has happened to all the sun cream that is usually smothered all over your face like that of a child with their first ice cream? 😉

    Hope all are feeling better now

  4. Congratulations!! Hopefully you will get some good food with those epic chili’s!

    How difficult (or not) has the ride been? Are you using Adventure Cycling routes? You are on the trail I am planning to take in a couple of years.

    Be careful and enjoy!

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