Southern Tier: Day 9

17 March 2014
Tempe, Arizona
0 miles (Total Miles = 437)

Rest day. I’ve heard about these before. When traveling with Gina, you quickly learn about the illusion of rest days. Before we even left Seattle, I knew that on this trip, the term “rest day” would really just be code for “chore day”. Laundry, blogging, emailing, bill paying, and general organizing. Things you can’t avoid even when on a long holiday.

But it’s not all work. There is time for getting together with family, taking a dip in their community pool and jacuzzi, enjoying margaritas at their favorite Mexican restaurant, and getting caught up after too many years have passed. Thanks Dad and Skotti for driving us all over Tempe to finish our chore list and treating us to a pleasant afternoon by the pool. If the rumors are true, I believe that last bit is what a Rest Day is supposed to look like.

Pool Time

Dinner with Dena's Family