Southern Tier: Day 14

22 March 2014
Silver City, New Mexico
0 miles (Total Miles = 621)

I am resting in the tent that I single-handedly erected yesterday (van vs. bicycle in a race to camp equals no competition), contemplating the fact that I’m actually resting on a Rest Day. I know it won’t last, but a gal can dream.

We’re hanging out in Silver City today. Cute little main street with artsy shops and a few delicious restaurants. Well, there’s probably more than a few but we only had time to sample three, and that’s excluding the frozen yogurt chain where we buckled down for a few hours to get caught up on the blog and other WiFi-required chores.

Tomorrow’s a big day – I plan to ride my bicycle. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to pry it off of the top of the van. It may actually be rusted in place by now, draped in cobwebs and dust. In fact, last time I checked, it looked a little like this:


I guess it’ll ride okay.

Main St. Silver City




computer time