Southern Tier: Day 17

25 March 2014
Kingston to Caballo Lake State Park, New Mexico
32 miles (Total Miles = 732)

We are lingering over coffee, eggs, potatoes, bacon, fresh pineapple, yogurt, and coffee cake, not wanting to leave this oasis in the wilds. It’s a short day on the bikes so there’s no rush to say goodbye to the Black Range Lodge, a two thumbs up overnighter no matter how you slice it.

There’s also no rush to say goodbye to Larry. Let me tell you a little bit about Larry and Larry, forgive me in advance if I muddle any facts. Larry is one of our riders and he’s the most amazing man, having gone from working many years in the textile industry to deciding to teach High School social studies to deciding to run for (and win) two terms as a Democratic congressman for North Carolina.

Larry tells the most incredible stories in the most down-home and entertaining manner; he’s the kind of guy that you want to sit next to at the dinner table and the kind of natural teacher that you want to take a civics class from. Anyway, Larry has sadly had to leave our team for a few days to return home for a death in the family and this morning we had to say our temporary good-byes until he can join back with the group somewhere in Texas. Good luck, Larry, we’ll be thinking of you and miss you while you’re away.

As for today’s ride, we dropped out of the mountains and down to the Rio Grande, where we’re camping at a riverside State Park. Not a lot of water in that river but where the water really counts – the hot kind that comes out of the shower – there’s plenty.

Hillsboro, NM

General Store1

General Store2

General Store3

Greg & Gabe


Caballo State Park

Rio Grande


  1. Hi Simon – you would love Texas and all the cowboys! Yes, that was Judy. She joined the group for 3 nights in New Mexico. It was good to see her.

  2. Hi Mike,
    Happy to hear you are enjoying the blog. I gave a big hello to Nicole and Paul for you. They say, Hi.

  3. Hi Dena and Gina,

    I’m enjoying following along with your ride. Looks like some beautiful scenery. Keep the photos and creative narrative coming!

    Dena, I’m glad to see you’re back in the saddle. It’s a good thing you don’t have too many Lodges in your overnight plans. From the looks of those last two, if you keep that up you’ll all end up too soft to ride before long. Tonight’s accommodations look like it’s back to the real world of roughing it on your adventure.

    Best wishes for a continued wonderful trip. Say hello to Nicole and Paul from me.

    TransAm 2012

  4. Wow the Rio Grande! Would love to see that, have you been wearing chaps while talking about the tv show Bonanza, whist spitting into buckets at the bar? love the look of that cafe and is that Judy with Nicole?

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