Southern Tier: Day 25

02 April 2014
Marathon to Sanderson, TX
56 miles (Total Miles = 1,149)

The object in my mirror is growing closer, despite the fact that I am pedaling downhill in my biggest gear. I’m pretty sure I know what – or actually, who – it is and really, it should come as no surprise given her tenacity, strength, and cycling prowess, despite the fact that she wears hiking boots while riding. “On your left!” she hollers, a huge grin spread across her face as she passes me on by, dropping me like yesterday’s bologna sandwich. “I just had to do that once,” she yells back my way, “it’ll never happen again,” but I know that’s likely not a true statement. Our resident septuagenarian can pedal like nobody’s business and I’d bet if you tossed some lycra and clipless pedals on her, she’d out-cycle us all.

And so another day goes on the quiet backroads of Texas. I nearly didn’t make it on the road at all, glancing over at my rear tire this morning at camp and doing the dreaded double-take as my eyes hinted that my tire looked a little flat but my head was telling me that I had not yet had sufficient coffee intake to make that a true statement. But the second look proved it – rear tire flat. Sigh. On the positive side, though, there is no better place to have a flat tire than when in camp with all of your Southern Tier mates and tour leaders available to help. It only took 7 of us to get it fixed. Since we’re in Texas, I’ll borrow from the infamous words of George Jr. and call that “Mission Accomplished.” Let’s just hope my banner statement holds true longer than his did.


Roadside Break

Gave on a break



other bikes

Sanderson, TX

Welcome to Sanderson

One Comment

  1. Whew!! I just got all caught up on your posts. What fun it looks like you are having (well, except for the headwinds, hills, spiders and dumps). Even those make for darn good stories. So glad you are taking the time to write this blog. Stay safe and roll on. Looking forward to hearing some stories over happy hour. That is if you ever decide to come back to Seattle.

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