08 April 2014
Kerrville to Johnson City, TX
76 miles (Total Miles = 1,525)
If that farmer had been behind the wheel of a Mercedes sedan instead of a Chevy pickup truck, I’d have sworn we were in Germany. The roads this morning are narrow and without stripes, a rarity so far on this trip but exactly how cycling in Germany is done. The scenery might also be a bit different – cows with big horns instead of bells around their necks – but the quiet nature of the ride reminds us of our trips abroad and is a welcome reprieve from the bigger and busier roads. This Texas Hill Country route continues to please.
Another thing that continues to please? Dairy Queen. Specifically, the DQ Blizzard. I won’t tell you how many Blizzards we’ve consumed over the past four states because I don’t want to hear “I told you so” should we end up diabetic, but I will say that when you’re approaching the end of a day’s ride and you see the familiar red and white logo beckoning from the side of the road, it’s physically impossible to pedal past without stopping. Johnson City was no exception, with perhaps the best DQ positioning yet, no more than 4 or 5 pedal strokes from tonight’s camping at the Roadrunner RV Park. DQ and RVs. We want for nothing.