02 May 2014
Monticello to White Springs, FL
74 miles (Total Miles = 2,751)
Gina is gesturing toward the huge roadside oaks draped in spanish moss like Vanna White revealing letters on Wheel of Fortune. “Behold!” her gesture speaks. That, or her left shoulder is really bothering her, thus why she’s waving it to and fro like a bird exercising a broken wing.
I’d show you a picture of these oaks and spanish moss only I don’t have one because the camera was tucked away during this morning’s rain and then got further buried beneath the discarded rain gear when the showers turned to afternoon overcast. This Sunshine State is failing to deliver anything of the sort.
What it did deliver today, in addition to the lovely oaks, moss and wildflowers (again, no photos, but Google “florida wildflowers” images and you’ll get the idea) was a lovely breakfast at our B&B and a price tag to match – somehow our room only cost half of the originally quoted rate. Perhaps the proprietor felt sorry for us soggy cyclists and gave us a deal, or maybe she’s just really bad at math and credit card technology, but either way, it was the best $35 per person ever spent. With rates like that, I’m not sure we should have ever left.