03 May 2014
White Springs to Gainesville, FL
72 miles (Total Miles = 2,823)
Gina is calling them like a cat in for supper – “Here, gator, gator, gator! Here, gator, gator, gator!” I’d like to see her face should one actually come running out of the roadside swamp, but if that were to happen, it’s a guarantee that I’d see nothing more than her backside speeding away from me. It’s hell being the slower cyclist in a pair – you’re always the one that the dog catches, or the driver honks at, or that gets eaten by the alligator.
We’d definitely taste better now than about an hour ago when we were still draped in rubberized material for protection from the rains. It’s hard to believe that we’re in Florida and it’s rainy-day-in-a-row Number Five. I am starting to think that this state’s actual slogan is “The Liquid Sunshine State” but the savvy PR people decided that the economics of tourism would do better if they simply and casually dropped the “Liquid” bit.
But now the rains have ceased, the rain gear has been stowed, and we are cycling through a very lovely Floridian countryside, with large ranches and plantations and trees. Holy mackerel, the trees around here are phenomenal in height, width, number, and beauty. It’s been a good route, as most of Florida has been when viewed beyond the veil of grey and wet heavenly tears, and we are feeling hopeful that this, our last night of camping, will be a dry one. A non-soggy tent would definitely make for a lighter load for Candy to carry to the dumpster when she throws the whole mess out tomorrow morning.
This little plastic jewel was placed in front of Candy’s tent door and nearly caused several of us a heart attack and one of us to return to sleeping in the bathroom block. But it also made for some big laughs enjoyed by everyone. Good job, boys. You got not just Candy but us as well!
classic….Nice spider!!
Im buying Candy some new boots….