29 July 2014
Vienna, Austria (0 miles; Total = 324 miles)
We are following Dominique up a steep trail, through the vineyards and forests that stand watch over western Vienna. It’s a good thing she’s playing tour guide for us today or we would no doubt be back in the old city, wandering about indecisively and, if I was in the lead, headed back to the beer garden.
Instead, we are enjoying the peacefulness of the hillside, the views down toward this massive city, and getting to know our hostess. Beats a stuffy old museum any day.
Just caught up on your blog while uploading to flickr….love the multi tasking. I also love all of your photos and stories. I must say though, it sounds like Seattle is much dryer this summer than your lovely ride…lol….cant wait to see where you end up next. Have fun!!!