A Little Rain Must Fall

It’s raining here.  Has been for 2 days.  Not the Seattle drizzle kind of rain.  This is a serious rain.  The type that pours from the darkened skies, the dishwasher on heavy cycle.  You would think we didn’t know about rain, the way we’ve been acting since it started.  “I can’t go run in that!” we say, even though that’s what we’ve been doing for years on end back home.  Jill of Manly told us this rain can arrive and last for a few weeks at a time, followed by stretches, once more, of amazingly gorgeous Autumn weather.  We are already eager to hang our rain jackets back in the closet and feel the Fall sun on our faces.  Funny how quickly you adjust to forever clear skies, welcoming them, expecting them, asking for them to return.  We think many inconsistent thoughts about living in Sydney – some good, others unprintable, all constantly changing from day to day – but we definitely think the typical weather here is to our liking.  But into every life a little rain must fall, right?