TransBallard: Day 19

04 June 2012

Booneville to Berea KY 50 miles  (TransAm 754)

Well, this is the worst sort of blog to write so I will just get to it.

Today there was a terrible accident that has left Ollie in the hospital in very bad shape. No one knows exactly what happened as he was alone at the time, and I won’t speculate here. What is known is that he received medical attention right away thanks to a passing good Samaritan, fellow cyclist Wendy, and a quick local emergency response, and he was ultimately airlifted to Lexington, Kentucky, where his family has now joined him.

What we also know? That Ollie was an integral cog in this TransAm machine, bringing his chipper energy and enthusiastic self, his laughter and his joy, his love of the ride and his protectiveness of the flock, and his natural caring and friendship to a group of cyclists that just two weeks ago were complete strangers. I am not there to experience this TransAm nor the loss of Ollie from the ride, but I know that Gina’s experience was enhanced every day by Ollie’s companionship and he will be greatly missed.

Ollie, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.