TransBallard: Day 21

06 June 2012

Berea to Harrodsburg KY 52 miles  (TransAm 806)

Gina is plotting how she can sneak back to the Harrodsburg Library after hours with her sleeping bag to curl up on the new, cozy carpet between the stacks. For some inexplicable reason she thinks that will make for a better night’s rest than on the unforgiving gym floor at the local YMCA, where her bag is currently laid out. Such a picky sleeper she is, needing no spiders, no creepy red hallway lights, and no torrential rains pounding down upon her tent.

It was the first day’s ride following Ollie’s accident and there was definitely a missing man from the formation. Ollie would often ride with “the girls” in the back and I know of one girl who wishes he was still there by her side. In the words of Ollie’s son Jake, though, I think he still is.

One Comment

  1. Just wanted to say how grateful we are to all of Ollie’s buddies on the trip for making it the ride of his life and especially to Gina for somehow working her way into his heart and giving him that little extra bit of joy. Your blog and her photos have been our link to his trip and those last few moments of his life. Thank you!

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