TransBallard: Day 38

23 June 2012

Pittsburg to Chanute KS 60 miles (TransAm 1,655)

I am walking down a neighborhood street that I don’t normally frequent. It’s nice to see some new scenery but actually, I’m not really seeing any of it. The intensity of the rain and wind are propelling my chin into my chest and my forehead parallel with the pavement, so all I’m really noticing that’s new and not so scenic is how much my tummy roll is sticking out, accentuated by my soaked through windbreaker and shirt, suctioned to my midriff like a plunger to the bowl. I suck it in as best I can and suck it up, determined to spend the next 45 minutes of my walk home focusing on other thoughts. Like, for instance, how it might be time to start gathering up the animals two-by-two. Weekend showers my ass, this is an epic squall that appears here to stay.

While I’m battling the elements, Gina is experiencing her own battle with the Belly Roll Blues. At the old-fashioned soda fountain shop in Chanute, Kansas, Gina got on the scales and topped out 3 pounds heavier than when she left Seattle nearly 6 weeks and 1,700 miles ago. Now I find it a bit surprising that (a) an ice cream shop would have a public scale, and (b) someone ordering a towering hot fudge sundae would think it was a good idea to get on that scale. But then again, I left the house without an umbrella so maybe it’s just one of those days when common sense is on holiday, leaving us to our own ill-advised devices.

Regardless, I hope whatever it is that’s causing the weight to stick despite all of the miles ridden will start causing the money to stick despite all of the losing numbers played. Gina is onto Kansas PowerBall now and Noah needs a new ark!