TransBallard: Day 61

16 July 2012

Dubois to Grand Teton National Park WY 65 miles (TransAm 2,923)

I have decided that I like to say “I have decided …” when, in fact, the thing I’ve decided is either (a) something I don’t actually do or (b) is of no importance at all and therefore not really worthy of being a decision or (c) is both those things. This is in contrast to how I make decisions about important things, to which I never say “I have decided …” but instead decide and do, no announcement necessary.

Take this evening, for instance. After showering at 7 pm and with no plans to leave the house, I couldn’t decide if it was okay to put on my pajamas (note that the sun won’t set for another two and a half hours) or if I should put on street clothes instead (precisely because the sun won’t set for another two and a half hours). So after weighing my options I said out loud to myself, “I have decided that it’s okay to wear pajamas at 7 pm in the summer.” Then I promptly put on street clothes. The pajamas just didn’t feel quite right, too much like having had a hangover all day and not getting dressed (not that that ever happens to me). So you see, my bold “I have decided …” statement really carried no weight whatsoever. So now I have decided that I need to stop saying “I have decided” and instead decide that I will stop talking aloud like this when I am alone in the house, for doing so is decidedly a bit round the bend.

Gina has been deciding things too. She has decided that today’s ride from Dubois to Grand Teton National Park is in her top three most scenic bike rides ever. But then I did the math and it’s actually in her top four. The other top rides?

Gstaad, Switzerland.

Lofer, Austria.

The Mosel River, Germany.

It’s nice to see a cycling route in the USA break into the top five, especially given that it’s competing against countries boasting kilometer after kilometer of dedicated cycling paths and quiet country roads traveled only by bicycles and the occasional farmer in a shiny black Mercedes. That’s some tough competition when you’re such a big country with big distances and big highways and big trucks. It appears that Wyoming is up to the task, offering a wide shoulder, a pilot truck to give our Team a lift through a major construction zone, and views, views, views.

The cherry on top of the day? Gina opting to spend part of her recently acquired “Birthday Bunkhouse Budget” on a cozy cabin in Colter Bay for the next two nights. I think we’ve both decided that is money well spent.