Southern Tier: Day 15

23 March 2014
Silver City to Gila Hot Springs, New Mexico
25 miles (Total Miles = 646)

It’s a road with no lines and it’s leading us up into the Gila National Forest. Trees in New Mexico – who would have guessed? A good day to be back on the bicycle, with a relatively short ride and a scenic one to boot. It’s a shorter day because ahead lies 14 miles of steep up and downs, chosen to be ridden only by Marlin, our resident hardcore cyclist, morning coffee maker, and loader of the luggage. Mornings around camp would definitely not be the same without Marlin, and by not be the same I mean would be a lot more work for the rest of us, so we’re lucky to have him. Plus he makes a great cup of coffee, so there’s no way he’d get voted off the island. Anyway, Marlin had pedaled off into the distance long ago while the rest of us handed our bikes up to Paul for the drive up to our day’s accommodation, the Wilderness Lodge. Yes, Lodge. Things are definitely looking up.

Seeing how our short cycling day had left us with some time on our hands, we made a group trip up to the Gila National Monument. I’m not good with my historical facts but what I can tell you is that there was a band of Native Americans who were smart, resourceful, and hardworking, turning a series of natural caves into cozy shelters. Pretty cool and worth the National Parks Pass stamp. Okay Cousin Cynthia, do you have this one?

As for our Lodge, it’s quite funky and a welcome change from sleeping on the ground. There are natural hot pools to soak in, an actual sofa to sit on, both dinner and breakfast prepared for us, and a birthday (Candy’s) to celebrate. Not a bad day at all to be back on the bike and back on the road.

Continental Divide

The group

Gila Wilderness1

Van with bikes

View Point

Gila Cliff Dwellings1

Gila Cliff Dwellings2

Gila Cliff Dwellings3

Gila Cliff Dwellings4

Gabe and Volunteer

Hot Springs

Wilderness Lodge