Southern Tier: Day 22

30 March 2014
Van Horn to Fort Davis, TX
63 miles (Total Miles = 1,038)

We have expended the time and energy necessary to pedal 80 miles and yet we’ve barely covered 63. On top of that, the goal is to cover 91, only it’s already late in the afternoon and if my math hasn’t failed me, our current rate of speed into this back-breaking headwind will have us arriving at camp sometime this evening. And by evening I mean quite possibly after dark.

Failing to see any positive side to this potential outcome means just one thing – time to start tapping the top of my helmet with one hand. No need to rub my belly at the same time; just knock on my head when the van next reappears along this remote and service-less stretch of west Texas. This gesture is the Adventure Cycling method for communicating to the van driver that you need help, be it of the water, food, bike repair, Tidy Cat bucket, or I’m-about-to-have-a-meltdown-and-the-math-doesn’t-lie variety. Today it’s the last reason, as much as it bemoans us to say. Sure, we could have continued at our 5 mph pace and finished off the day, but there’s something about unpacking, showering, and eating dinner before midnight that had a greater appeal. Not to mention saving our butts, literally, from spending 12 hours on the saddle. Those things are barely designed for half that time and I have a half-empty tube of Chamois Butt’r to back that statement up.

So here we are in the super cute town of Fort Davis in our super cute room. We have three stone walls with the fourth front wall made only out of screen, as in screen door screen. Funky and cool, even if the security is a bit suspect. (I’m sure that duct-taped hole next to the deadbolt doesn’t mean anything.)

start of 118


Over it


Really over it


David over it

Stone Village Room1

Stone Village Room2


  1. Oh dear :o( not good. Just seen Pauls pic entitled “This is pretty much what all 55 miles between Marathon, TX and Sanderson, TX look like.”. I’m glad you are both keeping your sense of humor, or has madness set in? Yep those lovely little cafe’s with little local waitresses make the trips worth while.

    I had asked Paul if you guys wanted a surprise care package sent out as a , well, nice surprise. I must read your other blogs as I am in stitches at some of the comments. I’m sure the further East you get, the more interesting the scenery and roads will become. (Maybe.) Take care xx

  2. Simon – no joke I think this Southern Tier is harder than the TransAm. The roads are long, hot and straight as an arrow. Makes for a long day in the saddle. Plus services are few and far between and you know how much I like the cute cafe stop.

  3. Tonight we are in a dump – lol. At the Budget Inn in Sanderson, TX! Tomorrow we cycle 80 miles and we’re suppose to have a tailwind.

  4. wow best pics of the whole tour, today I think. Amazing scenery, shame about the headwind and meltdowns. Been there. Super-cute room too. The roads look long and hot. Tailwinds tomorrow I hope

  5. How cool is that room?! Awesome!
    Wind Sucks – sorry you had that on the 91 miler – but sure love the stories.

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