TransBallard: Day 26

11 June 2012 Marion KY to Dixon Springs State Park IL 48 miles (TransAm 1,110) Illinois. The Prairie State. Home of the first franchised McDonald’s. Now this is Gina’s kind of state. Across the border our TransAmmers rode today. On a ferry, that is, crossing over via the Ohio River. They won’t be spending much …


TransBallard: Day 25

10 June 2012 Utica to Marion KY 70 miles (TransAm 1,062) Gina and Wendy are on a cheeseburger diet.  No, that’s not an oxymoron.  Unlike yesterday, today they split the one they ordered for lunch so technically, that puts them on a diet.  How so?  Because any time you cut something in half, it’s a …


TransBallard: Day 24

09 June 2012 White Mills to Utica KY 81 miles (TransAm 992) Gina and Wendy are readying themselves to depart the Fordsville, Kentucky diner where they just savored a smoke-tainted lunch.  According to the lone review of The Diner on Yelp, “it’s a pretty decent place to eat.”  I guess that reviewer is a smoker, …


TransBallard: Day 23

08 June 2012 Bardstown to White Mills KY 59 miles (TransAm 911) The dog’s name is Pancake. He’s a friendly fellow, which you might have guessed with a name like Pancake. Not likely to hear his owner yell “Pancake, attack!” or “Sic ’em Pancake!” His owner – who we shall call Lisa because according to …


TransBallard: Day 22

07 June 2012 Harrodsburg to Bardstown KY 46 Miles  (TransAm 852) My phone buzzes on the windowsill and I stop what I’m doing (which is only work so it’s definitely worth stopping) to check my text message. It’s from Gina , 4:30 pm her time, and it says “With Wendy and Huey in town having …


TransBallard: Day 21

06 June 2012 Berea to Harrodsburg KY 52 miles  (TransAm 806) Gina is plotting how she can sneak back to the Harrodsburg Library after hours with her sleeping bag to curl up on the new, cozy carpet between the stacks. For some inexplicable reason she thinks that will make for a better night’s rest than …


TransBallard: Day 20

05 June 2012 Berea KY 0 miles  (TransAm 754) Gina spent her layover day doing things she would rather have not had to do, although most had a silver lining. There was the washing of her duffel bag and tent and footprint and rainfly. Silver lining: now they no longer smell like cat pee. There …


TransBallard: Day 19

04 June 2012 Booneville to Berea KY 50 miles  (TransAm 754) Well, this is the worst sort of blog to write so I will just get to it. Today there was a terrible accident that has left Ollie in the hospital in very bad shape. No one knows exactly what happened as he was alone …


TransBallard: Day 18

03 June 2012 Hindman to Booneville KY 64 miles  (TransAm 704) Arriving at tonight’s campsite behind the Booneville church, Gina is ecstatic. Her outer voice says to Paul: “Wow, that is so nice that my tent is already set up!” Scanning the area around her, her inner voice starts its own conversation: “Huh, that’s interesting, …


TransBallard: Day 17

02 June 2012 Lookout to Hindman KY 51 miles  (TransAm 640) Gina does not generally like cats. She has made exceptions to this rule, but overall, she is not a fan of the feline. Her number one complaint about cats is that they are “sneaky.” This is followed by “they ruin the furniture.” The cats …
