03 Oct 2013
Gromitz to Heiligenhafen
25 miles
“It’s amazing the things you can sell,” says Gina. This is in reference to her latest employment idea (the Juice for 2 Euro hasn’t gained much traction) to move to northern Germany and start selling Wind Turbines. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to bicycle in areas where wind turbines dot the landscape like candles on a birthday cake, but now that we’re here, I’ve studied the situation and have come to understand the most critical bit, which is that it’s okay as long as you are facing toward the blades. Get behind those blades and you’ll make about as much forward progress as a snail on super glue.
Fortunately for us, we are headed directly toward the metal petals, the 25 mph wind at our backs pushing us toward this afternoon’s destination – a fishing town on the northern coast. We’ve been amazed by this entire Baltic route, seeing a side of Germany that we never knew existed. Ok, so we could have studied our geography a little harder and noted that Germany does, indeed, have a coastline. But the long and wide white sand beaches, the boardwalks and promenades running from town to town, the marinas filled to the gills with boats of all sizes and intentions – such a fun surprise in a country that already had us beholden to its beautiful mountains and rivers and fairytale villages. Now we have seaside gems as well? Really, Germany, you are outdoing yourself.