30 June to 16 July 2014
I’m cycling up a steep, switchbacking trail in the mountains around Frisco, Colorado, wondering if it’s okay for my heart to be beating this fast and my lungs to be heaving this heavily here at 10,000 feet when it occurs to me that not only am I several days behind on our Road Trip blog (and by “behind” I mean haven’t written a single word), but neither did I ever finish blogging the Southern Tier trip. Instead of being depressed by this thought I’m buoyed by it, rationalizing that the alternative at this elevation would be thinking about my life flashing before me and we all know that’s not so much a good thought.
Okay, so I never finished the Southern Tier. Let me finish it now: Day 68 = rain and thus an Apple TV movie, appropriately selected as 12 Years a Slave to further round out our Savannah education; Day 69 = flying home to a yard filled with grass over 2 feet high. Done.
Now we’re on a road trip, having passed through Montana and Wyoming to reach Colorado, where we’ve been enjoying the company of Gina’s many great Denver friends and sightseeing in the mountains of Summit County. There’s been hiking and biking and wining and dining and next up, winging our way to Germany for a 6-week cycling holiday. But before we go, a special shout-out to Suzanne & Scott, Kristen & Ed, and Suzanne & Shane, all of whom welcomed us into their homes and without whom our trip would not be nearly as special as it’s been thus far.