17 July 2014
Denver, Colorado to Freising, Germany
Gina is about to have a meltdown. Correction: Gina is having a meltdown. We are standing at the Lost Luggage kiosk in the Munich Airport. This makes us 0 for 2 when it comes to arriving in Munich with all of our bags arriving with us. We have the bikes but not anything that goes on them, or on us, for that matter. This is not how our trip is supposed to begin.
Regardless, there is a very nice woman at the kiosk attempting to help us locate our missing bags. I hope she’s not sensitive to highly agitated customers or our bags are going to end up being forwarded to Mars, judging by the degree of anger that is emanating from Gina at this moment. Fortunately the nice lady is immune to Gina’s death-ray stare, informing us that the bags are still in Iceland but will be sent to Munich this evening. After a stop in Copenhagen, that is. I suppose the up-side of this story is that I get to take the night off from flossing.