22 August 2014
Rottach-Egern, Germany (0 miles; Total = 858)
The cellist has just dropped his sheet music in the midst of a Johann Strauss piece. The percussionist is definitely laughing at him. He manages to pick it up without missing a beat, but then again, he’s playing a cello so how would I possibly know if he missed a beat and do beats even apply to the cello?
We are at a free Summer Orchestra Concert in the lakeside village just north of where we’re staying. We were invited to attend by our new friends from the hotel, a German couple from Stuttgart who are old enough to be our parents and shepherded us onto the bus over here as if they were. Very cute and very sweet of them to invite us along for the evening. It’s good for us to get some Culture.
Our day was spent cycling around the Tegernsee lake, a very lovely spot here an hour’s train ride south of Munich. Gina is in her I-Can’t-Stand-It mode and is already mentally planning a Winter holiday, after seeing a brochure for the region advertising snow and sledding. Maybe we should get the wheels packed and home first before waxing up our toboggan runners?